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Draws a quantile curve of survival distribution as a function of covariate.


coxphQuantile(phfit, xrange, p=0.5, whichx=1, otherx=NULL, ...)



output from a proportional hazards fit.


the range of covariate values for which the quantiles of survival times are computed.


the probability level for the quantile (default is median).


if there are more than one covariates in the Cox model, the one chosen for the quantile plot.


the values for other covariates in the Cox model. If missing uses their average values.


additional parameters to be passed on to the lines command.


This function is used to draw quantile curves. It requires a plot of the data (time & covariate of interest) to be present. See example.

It invisibly returns the observed failure times and the covariate values at which the estimated survival probability is (exactly) p.


Heller G. and Simonoff J.S. (1992) Prediction in censored survival data: A comparison of the proportional hazards and linear regression models. Biometrics 48, 101-115.


if (FALSE)   library(survival)
#> Warning: data set ‘pbc’ not found
pbcfit <- coxph(Surv(time, status==2) ~ trt + log(copper), pbc,
                      subset=(trt>0 & copper>0)) 
#> Error in coxph(Surv(time, status == 2) ~ trt + log(copper), pbc, subset = (trt >     0 & copper > 0)): could not find function "coxph"
plot(log(pbc$copper[pbc$trt>0 & pbc$copper>0]), pbc$time[pbc$trt>0 &
  pbc$copper>0], pch=c("o","x")[1+pbc$status[pbc$trt>0 & pbc$copper>0]], 
  xlab="log Copper", ylab="Survival time")
#> Error in plot(log(pbc$copper[pbc$trt > 0 & pbc$copper > 0]), pbc$time[pbc$trt >     0 & pbc$copper > 0], pch = c("o", "x")[1 + pbc$status[pbc$trt >     0 & pbc$copper > 0]], xlab = "log Copper", ylab = "Survival time"): object 'pbc' not found
coxphQuantile(pbcfit, c(2.5,6), whichx=2, otherx=1)
#> Error in coxphQuantile(pbcfit, c(2.5, 6), whichx = 2, otherx = 1): object 'pbcfit' not found
coxphQuantile(pbcfit, c(2.5,6), p=0.75, whichx=2, otherx=2, col=2)
#> Error in coxphQuantile(pbcfit, c(2.5, 6), p = 0.75, whichx = 2, otherx = 2,     col = 2): object 'pbcfit' not found