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Jonckheere-Terpstra test to test for ordered differences among classes


jonckheere.test(x, g, alternative = c("two.sided", "increasing",
                 "decreasing"), nperm=NULL)


x, g

data and group vector


means are monotonic (two.sided), increasing, or decreasing


number of permutations for the reference distribution. The default is null in which case the permutation p-value is not computed. Recommend that the user set nperm to be 1000 or higher if permutation p-value is desired.


jonckheere.test is the exact (permutation) version of the Jonckheere-Terpstra test. It uses the statistic $$\sum_{k<l} \sum_{ij} I(X_{ik} < X_{jl}) + 0.5 I(X_{ik} = X_{jl}),$$ where \(i, j\) are observations in groups \(k\) and \(l\) respectively. The asymptotic version is equivalent to cor.test(x, g, method="k"). The exact calculation requires that there be no ties and that the sample size is less than 100. When data are tied and sample size is at most 100 permutation p-value is returned.


Jonckheere, A. R. (1954). A distribution-free k-sample test again ordered alternatives. Biometrika 41:133-145.

Terpstra, T. J. (1952). The asymptotic normality and consistency of Kendall's test against trend, when ties are present in one ranking. Indagationes Mathematicae 14:327-333.


  g <- rep(1:5, rep(10,5))
  x <- rnorm(50)
  jonckheere.test(x+0.3*g, g)
#> 	Jonckheere-Terpstra test
#> data:  
#> JT = 629, p-value = 0.02734
#> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
  x[1:2] <- mean(x[1:2]) # tied data
  jonckheere.test(x+0.3*g, g)
#> Warning: Sample size > 100 or data with ties 
#>  p-value based on normal approximation. Specify nperm for permutation p-value
#> 	Jonckheere-Terpstra test
#> data:  
#> JT = 639, p-value = 0.01741
#> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
  jonckheere.test(x+0.3*g, g, nperm=5000)
#> 	Jonckheere-Terpstra test
#> data:  
#> JT = 639, p-value = 0.0136
#> alternative hypothesis: two.sided